June 3, 2024

Designing for Happiness (with Houssam Elokda)

The conversation continues with Houssam Elokda from Happy Cities, as Helen Lui explores the impact of the built environment on communities, emphasizing the importance of creating livable and sustainable cities. They discuss the subjective nature of happiness and well-being in urban settings, also highlighting the significance of social connections, community, and meaningful interactions in fostering happiness.

The conversation continues with Houssam Elokda from Happy Cities, as Helen Lui explores the impact of the built environment on communities, emphasizing the importance of creating livable and sustainable cities. They discuss the subjective nature of happiness and well-being in urban settings, also highlighting the significance of social connections, community, and meaningful interactions in fostering happiness.

Hey Neighbour Collective Happy Homes project: https://www.heyneighbourcollective.ca/resources/


Show Credits:
Host: Helen Lui
Producer: Aaron Johnson
Cover Art By: the Sneaky Artist (https://sneakyart.substack.com/)
Covert Art Titles: Spencer
Website: UrbanismVancouver.com

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