June 10, 2024

The Future of Urban Planning

Helen Lui interviews Fern Hahn, a transit advocate and urban planning student, discussing Fern's advocacy for improved public transit and passion for transit network design. Additionally, Helen speaks with Matthew and Emma from UBC CAPACity, a group dedicated to engaging university students in urban planning. Matthew and Emma highlight the club's activities, such as informational nights and debates with city council candidates, aimed at fostering student involvement in urban planning.

Helen Lui interviews Fern Hahn, a transit advocate and urban planning student, who shares experiences that shaped their perspective on public transit. Fern discusses advocating for better transit and their interest in transit network design.

Next, Helen speaks with Matthew and Emma from UBC CAPACity, focusing on engaging university students in urban planning discussions. They discuss the club's events, ranging from urban studies info nights to town hall debates with city council candidates. Matthew and Emma emphasize the importance of involving youth in urban planning decisions and fostering inclusivity across different faculties.

Fern K Hahn: https://fernkhahn.com/
UBC CAPACity: https://amscampusbase.ubc.ca/capacity/home/


Show Credits:
Host: Helen Lui
Producer: Aaron Johnson
Cover Art By: the Sneaky Artist (https://sneakyart.substack.com/)
Covert Art Titles: Spencer
Website: UrbanismVancouver.com

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